NOT resosoddinglutions
New Year's Resolutions are bullshit. They really are. If you want to make a change in yourself, why do you have to wait for a specific date or time? I've been working for years, with a small amount of success, to become less hypocritical, and I'm nearly there.
Having said that, here's my list of things I want to do/change, at some time in the near future. It just so happens that it's right around New Year's, but that's not my fault.
1. No more smoking. I've never been a habitual smoker, but I'm done even having the occasional cigarette when I'm drinking in a bar. 2. Number 1. Doesn't apply to hookah. 3. Count to fifteen before I say anything. Counting to ten just doesn't give me long enough. 4. Be quieter about my opinions when talking to people. Only an hour ago I went off on someone who wants to buy a gun for home protection. Must. Not. Call. People. Stupid. 5. Blog more regularly. Which will hopefully help with Number 4., because if I'm getting it out here, then I don't feel the need to say it to someone's face. 6. Write more generally. Last year was pretty productive, but having slacked the last six weeks of the year, there's a little bit of guilt there. 7. Drink less. 8. Swim more. 9. Hang my laundry up straight away. 10. Stop telling the puppy I'm going to make him into gloves one of these days. 11. Be nicer to the people I already like (I stole this one, but see it as something I can actually accomplish). 12. Sail. 13. Swear less in speech and writing. Already buggered that one up tho, haven't I. . .
There it is. My list of (These aren't fucking resolutions, thereby enabling me to stick by me other non-resolution to be less of a hypocrite) things to accomplish. See if I manage any of them in the next three weeks.
Why three weeks? Because while I may not feel the need to attempt self-betterment on a time scale, try telling that to my soon-to-be 31 year-old body. . .