remiss in my duties
It's been almost a month since I posted anything here. And I feel a bit guilty about that. So much has gone on since the last time I posted, there's something in me that is kicking my own arse for not keeping people informed in what's going on in my life. Which is all too egotistical for my liking, because it makes me sound way too much like a bunch of studies that have been done recently about how egotistical people are these days.
Here's a quick run-down.
Did a film shoot at work that involved my being mildly less-than-complimentary to James Cameron. Yeah, that James Cameron. Lost motivation to write. Drank a shit-tonne. Bought a lovesac. Started dating someone. Went into default. Decided not to go for a job in Los Angeles. Picked out the boat I want to live on. Started playing world of warcraft again. Got to 85. Took a screenwriting seminar. Tour of warner bros. studios. Made pasties. Made pasties twice, actually. Acquired and decorated a christmas tree.
So there you go. I'll be back soon.
Here's a promise. I'll post a short story christmas day, because it's been too long and I need validation.
And maybe you might enjoy the story too. Payment for my slacking. . .