been a while. . .

It's been a little while since I wrote. Actually, that's not true. I've written a couple of times, but never got around to typing it up or posting. And the longer it goes, the harder it is to get back into something.

And it's not like I don't have a shit-tonne to write about. It's just that everything I have to write about has kept me busy.

1 High School reunion. 2 weddings. 3 States. 4 Beer Mugs. 5 Countries. 6 Aeroplane Flights. And I don't know how many friends and relations I haven't seen in years. I can't count the beer, the wine, the scotch drunk, or the damned good food eaten. And I didn't even have to fudge any of those numbers!

Credit cards aren't for buying a round of drinks at a local bar, they're for buying a train ticket so I can repeat the trip from Munich to Salzburg for old times sake. And buying a round of drinks there.

It's hard to describe what it was like to go back to Salzburg. I only spent one night there, but it was something I've been wanting to do since I left in May of 1999. I spent a couple of days in Munich first, visiting my Godfather, and even the train station there brought back so many memories. But it wasn't home like Salzburg was, it was the main springboard into the rest of western Europe (and the city Jenny lived in). Munich was. . .familiar.

Salzburg was. . .comfortable. Like a favourite pair of jeans. They fit really well, been through a lot with you, and probably have one or two marks that you're not entirely sure where they came from. Both the weddings I went to were Salzburgers- one a roommate, and the other two next-door neighbours, so half the people at the weddings were from Sazburg too. And it was good to reminisce about the place right before and right after I went, with people who were there and went through the same things.

We're talking about organizing a trip back there in two years, for our 'ten-year-leaving' anniversary, and it's that sort of thing that makes working worthwhile. The anticipation of spending that money on good times in a good place with good people. I'd not been living by the 'you can always earn more money but you can't earn more time, so spend your money well and your time wisely' premise, but I'm back on it again, making my time count as much as possible when you play warcraft. So I'll be getting back into the writing.