on the road again. . .

So Iäm sitting in an internet cafe in Munich right now. There´s a tonne for me to write, and all Iäm going to say is BLOODY GERMAN KEYBOARDS!

I guess it´s really been that long that I´d forgotten all the differences. The @ is below the q on the same button, apparently the alt gr button works that. the z is where the y should be. The ä is where the ´ should be. I mean, really, what is ä anyway_ sorry, I meant ?

Other than that, it´s great to be back. Iäve missed it more thanI realiyed until I got off the plane, grabbed a train and headed to Munich. I wrote something while I was on the train, but it´s on my laptop so you´ll have to get it later. Oh, and the trains are all wireless hotspots, as long as you subscribe to t-mobile. The trains! You know how good that would have been 9 years ago when we were living here? Actually, not that good, we were poor college kids and couldn´t afford nice things like laptops, or hotel roooms often.

Iäm heading to Salzburg tomorrow, just for the night, just to see how much it´s changed and how much it´s the same. Maybe head to the Augustiner for a beer. Little Käsekraner vendor on the corner we used to stagger up to on our way home from the pub. Mmmm, sausage and beer.

And I still love European women. I think they´re a lot less aware of themselves sometimes than American women can be.

So as it stands right now, I´´m still 90% sure I´ll be back to the US.