
I'm bored with the name of my blog. Any suggestions? I need something that I think describes me, so it needs to be ironic, sarcastic, dirty, social, opinionated, committed (to what, you be the judge), honest, and in need of a drink. This is your assignment, work needs to be handed in no later than Tuesday and will be graded on clarity of idea, adherence to the subject matter, spelling and punctuation, and whether I like it or not (cos we all know that's how professors grade, right?)

Why is it I find coming up with names one of the hardest things to do? I'll have these brilliant (I think) ideas for stories, movies, shorts, et al., but I can't decide what to call any of the bloody characters? do I use the names of people around me and risk them thinking I based a character on them? Or do I only use names that no one I know has?

AND...what about my name? I'd like to be published in more than one genre (so I should probably be working on that rather than dithering here), is it easier to publish in different genres under different names? With a pseudonym one can enjoy a certain amount of anonymity, but let's face it we all want a certain amount of recognition, right? I'd hate to say something astoundingly brilliant, a quote that echoes through history, and have it credited to 'Anonymous.' Sod that.

Although right now all this is moot if I don't get off my arse, get off wordpress, and actually do the writing I need to get done to have all these concerns. But that's for tomorrow. Tonight is for rediscovering 'Leftism' by Leftfield, 'You've come a long way baby' by Fatboy Slim, and getting an early night. Anything before 2am is an early night.