I haven't been accomplishing much in the past couple of weeks. I've sat here almost every day looking at one of my screenplays and draft the second of the book, keeping them always open in the hopes that I'll get back into the swing of it. Hasn't worked so far. I'm not worried yet. There's been a bit of adjustment at work while I get a temporary promotion (I'm filling in for my supervisor who's out right now after surgery). We've got a show opening on Tuesday evening. I've started going to the gym and playing racquetball (read: getting my arse handed to me on the court) one night a week after work. So it's not like I haven't accomplished anything, it's just not what I want to be accomplishing.
Being put into a supervisory position at work has been interesting, although probably not the best thing for me. Now that I've seen it from their point of view, and everything they have to deal with, I'm completely convinced I can do it, and possibly better. Definitely better than some. But the question is, do I want to? Working for Cirque is great: the bragging rights, the attachment to something so instantly recognizable and well-perceived by the rest of the world, the 5-year anniversary leather jacket. But I look around at the guys I work with, and I can't decide if I want it or not. Even working for a show such as LOVE can get a little. . . samey. Same music, same show, same people, and as fickle and easily distractable as I am, I don't think I have the patience to work my way up in the company. And there's no way I want to stay in the same position forever.
So why, then, am I slacking with the writing? I see it as my first best chance for a change of pace, and should be going at it hammer and tongs, but it's more like no hammer and just a pair of tweezers. It still feels good when I get a couple pages written, or edited, or scribble down more ideas on this big effing white board that now lives on the wall by my bed. I'm just not doing it right now.
Maybe I've had too many people compliment me on my writing. Not that they've read it yet; just that I actually got through the first draft, all seventy-something thousand words. I've had more than one person tell me how proud they are of me (even though it's probable that what I've written is pants), and I've always been one to rest on my laurels. The trouble is here, that the laurels are only supposed. I haven't earned anything- even though I got further than a lot of people, I'm starting to see a first draft as almost the same as never writing it.
So here's the plan. Finish the screenplay for Taras in the next week. The get cracking on my edit- I said I'd have it done by the end of March, so I gotsta get a move on with the bloody thing. And after that? Start something else. No more down time. Not until I've earned it, and I've got a comfy bunch of laurels that I can make a nest out of to rest in, just like I used to do with the blankets in the airing cupboard at the Coombe Road house.