Where has the time gone? Looking back through my posts, the first numerical headline I had was 999. 999 days until the day I'd picked to finish work, up and move back the the UK, and get ready for the clipper race.
Technically those 999 days were up back in mid-June, because that's when I planned to quit and we didn't know the race start date. But 999 days is quite a long time apparently, and things can change quite a bit in that time. I changed jobs, twice. I didn't beg anyone for any money to pay for the thing, because along with those job changed came pay increases and bill decreases.
But 31 days. One month.
It's really real now. Three levels of training under my belt, one more to go, couple weeks of boat prep, and apparently I'm helping deliver our boat up to London ready for the race.
Our boat. Garmin. If we get lost, we're probably not doing our sponsor justice.....
I get to meet her on Monday. CV20, Tram Garmin, Team Ash. Spend a week bonding with her and some of the team, and then I'm ready to sail around the world. For a certain amount of ready.
Because now it's here, I'm starting to realize there's no such thing as ready. Not really. Do I have enough gear? Do I have the right gear? Did I change my mailing address? Did I give mum all the access to the accounts she might need? Did I say hi and bye to the people I needed to?
Did I buy enough merino wool??
Well, we'll see. And you'll see too, because I'm signed up as one of the media crew members on board Team Garmin, so if I can't coerce anyone else on board to write up a blog, I'll be responsible for getting that out. Probably won't be posting it here, but links and things to follow for sure.
Thirty One. Bloody hell.