
Is what's going to kill us all. Not climate change, or war, or religion, but greed. Now, we might all die because of climate change, but we're helping that along quite merrily because of the greedy bastards out there who want more all the time. We might all die in a planet-wide nuclear holocaust, but I guarantee it'll happen because some smarmy shit in a suit somewhere is trying to get a larger slice of the pie. People claim that religion has killed more people than anything else, but I'd hazard a guess that most of those wars weren't started over belief, but over greed. The crusades were a grab for land and loot and an excuse to levy taxes.

And the probelm is that greed is everywhere you look today. It starts at the top, and goes all the way down. Almost everyone wants a bigger slice of the pie than they've already got, whether it's a bank or an oil company, or even me. I want more than I've got, for sure, but  I don't want more if I'm taking away from someone else. And I would say most people are like that. I'll take a pay raise, but as long as it means someone else isn't having their pay cut.

Greed is royally fucking this country up, but not just because of corporate bonuses and bailouts. It's the greed of the media that is doing more damage to America than anything else, because of people like Limbaugh and Beck. Here's why.

One of the things I hear over and over is that these people are just entertainers. They say what they need to, get their audiences going, and cash in. But there's a problem when the people listening to you believe what you're saying, and start fighting against their own best interests. If they're just entertainers, then where are the disclaimers? It's like we as a country are all calling in to phone-sex numbers, and believing what's being said to us on the other line-- the difference is, the ads for those have discalimers that it's for entertainment purposes.

Right now in the Gulf of Mexico, thousands of gallons of oil are pumping out of a BP well and doing immeasurable damage to an entire ecosystem. Probably because someone somewhere, answering to shareholders, cut a few corners to make a few bucks. And yet Limbaugh has made a point of attacking environmentalism and conservation, because more often than not it conflicts with making money. I'm sure in the next few days he's going to come up with some bullshit statement and convince half his audience that there's nothing wrong with what's happened down there.

At least BP posted record profits last year, so they can afford the clean up bill this is going to cost, right? They've got money lying around, they'll take care of their own ballsup, right?

Wrong. That's not going to fly with the shareholders. What's going to happen is they'll ask the government to help. The government will help, but the cost of deploying the coast guard and national guard, and whomever they throw at this problem, well, that's going to come out of tax money. Meanwhile, BP will lament the damage that this has done to their bottom line, and ask for tax breaks from the government. The government, whether you think it should be bigger or smaller or non-existent, is ultimately there for us. That's why we get to vote. That's why when something like this oil spill threatens to devastate a chunk of the country, they are duty-bound to do something about it. But I'm fed up paying taxes so the government can use that money to clean up the fuck-ups huge corporations make over and over. I want better roads and education. I want universal health care. All should be easy to pay for if we stopped giving these companies tax breaks and incentives. Guess what? If you can't afford to do business without tax breaks and incentives, then you're a casualty of captialism, deal with it.

And if Beck keeps going on about how the businesses need incentives to create jobs and fuel the economy, well it just so happens that there's one business that looks like it just destroyed hundreds of jobs along the gulf coast. Or maybe he'll explain that the oil spill is a good thing, because the clean-up is going to create jobs.

BP: Admit that you fucked up, and pay for the clean-up yourselves. Don't take it to court, just accept responsibility.

Limbaugh and Beck: If you don't truly believe what you're saying, then accept that you've got enough money and admit it was all for the ratings. If you do believe what you're saying, well the you're fucktards.