Rough Week
for my writing. Really haven't done much to talk about-- haven't even been blogging.
Well, that's not true. I've started a couple but not wanted to post 'em. They've been half-finished, badly thought out, just not worth reading. And it's been the same with my other stuff. Since finishing and submitting 'Back to Bed' Friday last, my head's been all over the place again, not just cos I wrote something I was really happy with and so rested on my laurels.
I just feel like work is getting in the way of everything right now. . .writing, travelling, private life, I feel like everything's affected because work puts me in a bad mood nine times out of ten. So how much is too much? At what point do I need to say I'm done, and move on for my own sanity? Unfortunately, thanks to my current financial situation there's not much option of change right now, and might not be for a while if things continue the way they've been going with the economy.
Maybe I'll just up and leave, go work in a bar in Germany for several months, write in my time off, learn to sprechen sie Deutsh properly. Or I could be down with Alsace, Provence, Prague, Florence, Budapest, any number of places really.
Am I the only one, or does everyone go through this at a certain point in their lives? Are we so much more aware of the world than previous generations have been that we feel more restless? Personally, I blame my parents. They lived in Germany for five years, then had no problems upping and leaving England and moving first to Baton Rouge, then Eugene. Maybe if they hadn't instilled this sense of wanderlust in me I'd be quite happily settling down, making a go at a family, white picket fence and all that bollocks.
Should I be grateful for the experiences I've had, or pissed because it's made me want more? Do I need, at some point in my life, to say I've had enough and it's someone else's turn? I'm sure I do, but as far as I'm concerned it'll be the day the bloody life support machine gets turned off.
'Til the beep switches to the solid tone, I'm gonna push through, get some shit wrote, and see what I can do to having more experiences, and not let work get in the way of life. . .