Holy shit you guys, I wrote every day this week! I haven’t done that in at least a year and a half!
Admittedly, the average is about a hundred words a day, so at this rate I’ll finish the screenplay in about half a year… but it’s a start. It’s like the first week of the app that shall remain nameless until they pay me for all last week’s blog mentions. Start out in small increments, and build on them, right?
And it’s a far cry from those couple of months I was doing 25K+, but I’m not as young as I once was. Damnit, writing doesn’t really work that way, does it…
But it feels good. And unlike running, there’s no dodgy joints to stop my progress. There’s no fear of damaging myself in a foreign country with a vague idea of how to communicate (I know it’s je sues mal, but is it jambe or jambon, and I’m pretty sure that would matter if I pulled a muscle). I mean, there’s a dodgy brain, but that’s just it being it’s old usual grumbly miserable self.
So yeah. 800 words in. Am I going to make my target of having a finished script by— oh crap, I just counted, and it’s 18 days away. 18. And this blog is already longer than some of the days last week. And I haven’t done my words for today. So I’ll type soon.