
so like I talked about, I've been doing some writing during my blog hiatus. And the more I do it, the more I want to do it. I've finished two short stories (which brings my total up to 4 finished), there's four more I'm working on. . .although when I say working on that's not really true. There's one I'm working on, hoping to finish in the next few days, and three I started about nine months ago and haven't looked at in eight months. But I completely intend to finish all four of them in the mext month or two, so I can pay more attention to the two screenplays I'm attempting. And then there's the book. Always the book. It's such a great idea (not that I'm blowing my own horn or anything) that I'm not going to let it go, I just don't have the time to do the research I need for it to work well. But one day. . .

One of my favourite authors, Terry Pratchett, said 'Writing is the most fun you can have by yourself.' I understand what he means. The enjoyment I've found when I finally finish something is definitely worth the frustration that can come when you're trying to get thoughts out of your head and down on paper or screen. Writing is a bit like magic, in that you can appear to produce something out of thin air. And like magic, the trick is to get people to believe you. When you're writing, you get to play a god. You can conjure people, events, whole worlds out of nothing, you can arbitrarily build people and empires up and tear them down again to nothing.

So the more I write the more I want to write, hence starting a blog again. There are so many things I want to talk about, write about, that there isn't enough room in the stories I've been writing. I can't write a short story about space travel, and add a paragraph like 'incidentally, I can't believe that it took this long for Hal Turner to get arrested. . .' it just doesn't fit. So I'm not going to stick to one theme in this blog, because why limit myself? I've been writing historical fiction, science fiction, screenplays, stage plays, short stories and long, and all about different things. I don't want to become a John Grisham. So be ready for anything that's on my mind.

Oh, and I have a tendency to drunk-blog. It's a little safer than drunk texting. Sort of. Maybe not. Drunk texting is probably going to only go to one person, whereas drunk blogging can, in theory, go out to the whole world. Cos everyone really cares what everyone else has to say.