one glorious day off

this week's a weird one, schedulastically speaking. Just worked a normal week, then Tuesday is my Saturday and Sunday all rolled into one. Wednesday thru Saturday we have shows, then Sunday is the party celebrating Cirque Du Soleil's 25th anniversary. We have Sunday thru Wendesday to recover, then back to normal. . .or as normal as it can be working 330p-1130p with Tuesday and Wednesday off. So today I think I'll probably do nothing. Reset. I feel like I haven't stopped moving since before going to Rusty's wedding. One day in which to do some laundry, clear the crap off my desk so I can connect to my hard drives again and maybe a bit of video editing for BNTA. Send a couple of emails, work on a flyer for the kids program Jo's putting togther. I guess so much for nothing. All of that is something, it just doesn't seem like it. Send emails? 'Tis but the work of a moment. Laundry? One just adds the ingredients to the machine then walks away.

Something I've been realizing recently is that doing the smallest thing still counts as something. If I do even half of those things, I'm closer. . .to what I'm not sure, but can't wait to find out. It's doing the myriad of small things I have to get done that gives me the time, the motivation, the balls to do other things. So today if I even get half the things done on the list above, I'll be happy. Worrying about the crap I didn't get done just pisses me off, cos I know I can't blame anyone else but me. And If I get enough done, then maybe I'll be able to really enjoy having four days off.

That's what I'm shooting for. Of course, I'll probably end up staying up too late tonight and not getting up early enough to do anything. Drinks for happy hour with Rusty and Andreea, then David Copperfield, then they want to drag me to a strip club. . .it would be rude not to go. So If I'm lucky I'll get one load of laundry done today, and maybe the desk cleared.

Probably not. But hey, it's still small things done that helps the big things.